Essential oil blends effectively alleviate many everyday physical complaints as well as emotional upheavals.

  • Aches, pains, stiffness & swelling

  • Poor circulation

  • Indigestion, Bloating, Gas, Constipation

  • Breathing weakness, Congestion

  • Sinus congestion, Allergies, Headaches

  • Sunburn, Rashes, Burns

  • Menstrual - Hot flashes, PMS

  • Stress, Anxiety, Irritability

  • Disruptive sleep patterns, Jet lag …….

Better yet, use them as preventatives - before the onset of flu season, travelling on stuffy airplanes or when you're about to exert un-toned muscles.

What goes into the blends →

FAQ, Safety & Tips →

Assessment →

If you’re interested to explore how to incorporate essential oil blends into your daily routine

“It’s better to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”
